- Fire is the spirit. Fire is the true essence of light, life, and love that carries us through this life.seyed mostafa zamani / Foter / CC BY
Setting things on fire and letting them burn can be fun as long as it isn’t someone’s house that’s on fire, but what bout setting our intentions, deepest desires, and old issues on fire? What can happen if we let those things burn and be released to The Cosmic? Often times, how the act is carried out can yield alchemical results. Our mindset can change. We can be relieved of old memories that need to be shed. We can illuminate an oath to reside in cosmic permanence. The very core of this practice and the outcome is intent and our focus on this intent.
There are often times when we feel the need to release something that dwells within us, but we want a tangible experience to get us through. There are times when we want to make a promise to The Cosmic and solidify our words beyond thought or speech. There are times when we want to communicate our desires or worthiness to The Cosmic beyond the act of visualization and meditation. This is where burning comes in. The simple act of writing down our intentions and burning them can be very effective. When we burn the paper with the words we seek to communicate backed with our intention for the action, the fire turns the paper to ashes and the words to smoke to be carried off by the winds into The Cosmic for an irreversible communion and, if applicable, commitment.
Burning is most effective when the intention is to remove or heal something – remove unwanted energy. We tend to hold on to things inwardly, and sometimes physically, that we no longer need. Sometimes we have things buried away in an old diary or something of the sort that holds old negative energy that needs to be released and reconciled. There was once a time when I wrote an autobiography of my childhood up until that time. Yes, I was only 20 years old and had the audacity to think that I had a life story worth telling, but it turned out that I had a lot of pent up anger and resentment that I needed to get out. Writing has often been my therapy for a long time, but it hasn’t always been best to hang on to the works created in a negative mood or rut of sorts. Just a few months ago, I noticed that I could still feel the negative energy that was put on paper and that I was in need of a good cleanse. I grabbed a pink candle to symbolize the love in my heart and my life and took the notebook outside. I sat in my driveway an burned the rough draft – page by page. I set the intention to forgive those who hurt me and to forgive myself for not only writing in anger but also holding on to the energy. After the long session, I felt relieved. I felt that a great weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Ever since I carried out that burning session, I haven’t even seriously thought about the things written down on those pages, and I’m sure they will remain nothing more than a distant memory.
Now, it’s your turn! Here’s some practical application for you to try and see if there is some intentional fire alchemy that can be done with pen, paper, love, and a flame in your life!
Practical Application:
- Wash your hands and/or take a shower and drink a glass of cool water to symbolize your purity of heart and intent for this work.
- Set the intention of what you wish to accomplish – healing, clearing, cosmic promise, etc.
- Get a pen and some paper and write down the intention of the work along with what you wish to be released, healed, or communicated.
- Go outside to a safe, sacred space, if possible, and then read aloud your intentions and what you wish to communicate or release.
- Burn the sheet(s) of paper in the order that they were written while inwardly attuning to your desired outcome.
- Once the burning is finished, meditate a few moments while the smoke clears and The Cosmic absorbs your offering.
- Close the work thanks and gratitude and say, “If this work pleases The Cosmic, then it is done! So Mote It Be!”
- Carry on with your daily activities and pay attention to your dreams that night. Make notes of your dreams when you awake the next morning and see if your dreams align with the work previously carried out.
And there it is! Burning intentions! Fire is a powerful element, we should all find ways to further attune and make true, practical use of the elements beyond the daily needs of the mundane world. Burn and breath better, my loves!
Great work Catalina
The Good Witches xx