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Fun Facts and Myths about Witches

Some Fun Facts by Sean Hutchinson we enjoyed reading about Witches and thought you might too. Enjoy! 1. Most witches weren't burned at the stake. The common image of a witch’s execution shows a large group of hysteric people surrounding the guilty person on a burning pyre—but immolation was not the primary means of execution used for those accused of witchcraft. During the Salem Witch Trials, no one was burned to death; all of the accused that pled their cases and were found guilty during the Trials in 1692 were hanged. In fact, no one found guilty of witchcraft was ever executed by burning in the American colonies—immolation wasn't permissible by English law. But one person was pressed to death by...

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Burning Rituals - Past and Future

We came across this Gem of a piece written by Lola Pickett. Enjoy the read :-) There are a lot of tools in my spiritual toolbox when it comes to manifestation and working with energy… …but one of my favorites, a – release/invocation burning ritual – is the one I want to share with you today! The following burning ritual may seem simple (and it is), but if you practice with this technique regularly, you’ll be surprised at the possibilities that it inspires and unfolds. Step 1: Set your sacred space or altar. I love working outside, so I create an altar in our backyard. I bring various candles, stones, feathers… whatever calls to be part of the experience. There are no wrong answers here. I also...

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